PAS-853BRM 数字表面电阻测试套件
PAS-853BRM Digital Surface Resistance Test Kit
●表面电阻套件从 0.01 ohms 到 9.99x10 12 ohms
Surface Resistance Kit from 0.01 ohm to 9.99x1012 ohms
●标称全范围公差平均值 <±5%
Nominal Full Range Tolerance Averages <±5%
Fully Automatic Resistance Range, Test Voltage and Electrification Period control
Determines if a surface is Dissipative, Conductive, or Insulative
●测量电阻点对点 (Rtt) 和点对地 (Rtg)
Measures resistance point-to-point(Rtt) and point-to-ground (Rtg)
●测量防静电地板、ESD 工作表面和包装材料的电阻
Measures resistance of Static Control Floors, ESD Work Surfaces and Packaging Material
●符合所有 ESD 协会电阻特性标准
Conforms to all ESD Association Standards for Resistive Characterization
●包括 2 个导电橡胶电极
Includes 2 each Conductive Rubber Electrodes
Packaged in a hard shell Carrying Case
●包括可溯源至 NIST 的校准证书
Certificate of Calibration Traceable to NIST included
Wide Range Resistance Kit
PAS-853BRM 数字表面电阻测试套件是 ESD Plant Auditor 的理想套件。它包括 PAS-853B 宽量程欧姆表,每个 PRS-801W 5 磅导电橡胶电极有 2 个。
The PAS-853BRM Digital Surface Resistance Test Kit is the ideal kit for the ESD Plant Auditor. It includes the PAS-853B Wide Range Ohmmeter with 2 each PRS-801W 5 lbs Conductive Rubber Electrodes.
设计用于支持 ESD TR53
Designed to Support ESD TR53
PAS-853B 是一款宽量程欧姆表,可测量 0.01 Ω 至 9.99 x 10 12 Ω。该套件设计用于测量点对点 (Rtt) 或表面对地 (Rtg) 电阻,满足 ESD TR53 的审核要求,同时支持 ANSI/ESD S20.20 计划标准和定期验证要求。
The PAS-853B is a wide range ohmmeter that measures accurately from 0.01 Ω to 9.99 x 1012 Ω. The kit is designed to measure resistance point-to-point (Rtt) or surface to ground (Rtg), and meets audit requirements of ESD TR53, while supporting
ANSI/ESD S20.20 program standard and periodic verification requirements.
Variable & Constant Test Voltages
●<10 Volts 可变从 0.01 到 9.9x10 3 ohms
<10 Volts Variable from 0.01 to 9.9x103 ohms
●10 伏(±<5% 恒定电压),从1.0x10 4 到 9.99x10 5 欧姆
10 Volts (±<5% Constant Voltage) from 1.0x104 to 9.99x105 ohms
●100 伏(±<2% 恒定电压),从1.0x10 6 到 9.99x10 12 欧姆
100 Volts (±<2% Constant Voltage) from 1.0x106 to 9.99x1012 ohms
A Fast and Reliable Resistance Meter
PAS-853B 是一款轻巧的仪表,内置 3 秒通电周期,可测量 1.00E-2 Ω 到 9.99E+5 Ω 和 8 秒从 1.00E+6 Ω 到<1.00 E+12 Ω,使其成为全天测量更多表面的快速简便方法。
The PAS-853B is a lightweight meter with a built-in electrification period of 3 seconds for measurements from 1.00E-2 Ω to 9.99E+5 Ω and 8 seconds from 1.00E+6 Ω to<1.00E+12 Ω, making it a quick and easy way to measure more surfaces throughout your day.
Fully Automatic for Resistance and Test Voltage
PAS-853B 将在您进行测量时自动确定电阻范围和测试电压。在很短通电时间之后,显示屏将冻结测量 10 秒。或者,仪表可以选择在连续模式下测量,该模式将继续测量,直到按下重置。
The PAS-853B will determine the resistance range and test voltage automatically when you make measurements. After the minimum electrification period, the display will freeze an accurate measurement for 10 seconds. Alternatively, the meter has the option of
measuring in Continuous mode, which will continue to measure until Reset is pressed.
Conductive Probes for Surface Resistance
的导电探头 PRS-801W 是用于表面电阻测量的导电探头。5lb 电极在 500 ohms 以下测量每个清洁板,符合 ANSI/ESD S4.1 和 ANSI/ESD S7.1 对电阻、直径、重量和硬度计的要求。.
The PRS-801W are conductive probes used for surface resistance measurements. Measuring under 500 ohms each a clean plate, the 5lb electrodes meet the requirements of ANSI/ESD S4.1 and ANSI/ESD S7.1 for resistance, diameter, weight and durometer.
符合 ANSI/ESD 标准和测试方法
Complies to ANSI/ESD Standards and Test Methods
PAS-853BRM 非常适合按照以下测试程序进行测量:
The PAS-853BRM is ideal for making measurements in accordance with test procedures in the following:
●地板 - ANSI/ESD S7.1- 材料的电阻特性 地板材料
Floors - ANSI/ESD S7.1- Resistive Characterization of Materials Floor Materials
●工作台面 - ANSI/ESD S4.1 工作台面
Worksurfaces - ANSI/ESD S4.1 Worksurfaces
●合规性验证 - ESD TR53 - 电阻测量
Compliance Verification - ESD TR53 - Resistance Measurements
●地板/鞋类 - ANSI/ESD STM97.1 - 地板材料和鞋类 - 结合人体的电阻测量
Floor/Footwear - ANSI/ESD STM97.1 - Floor Materials and Footwear- Resistance Measurement in Combination with a Person
●服装 - ANSI/ESD STM2.1 服装
Garments - ANSI/ESD STM2.1 Garments
●阀座 - ANSI/ESD STM12.1- 阀座 - 电阻测量
Seating - ANSI/ESD STM12.1- Seating - Resistive Measurement