CP60xx系列适合控制柜安装的控制面板带CP-Link 接口
CP60xx | 适合控制柜安装的控制面板,带 CP-Link 接口
CP60xx 系列控制面板专为安装在控制柜正面而设计。前面板只有 4 毫米的可见部分伸出控制柜的壁外。通过抽拉式锁紧杆安装,无需松开任何组件,操作简便。
订货信息不带触摸屏带触摸屏带触摸板无按键6.5 英寸显示屏,640 x 480CP6009-0000-0000CP6009-0001-0000
12 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 800 x 600CP6001-0000-0010CP6001-0001-0010
15 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 1024 x 768CP6002-0000-0010CP6002-0001-0010
无按键,键盘接口在前面板上12 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 800 x 600CP6001-0010-0010CP6001-0011-0010
15 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 1024 x 768CP6002-0010-0010CP6002-0011-0010
功能键6.5 英寸显示屏,640 x 480CP6019-0000-0000CP6019-0001-0000
12 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 800 x 600CP6011-0000-0010CP6011-0001-0010
15 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 1024 x 768CP6012-0000-0010CP6012-0001-0010
数字键盘6.5 英寸显示屏,640 x 480CP6029-0000-0000CP6029-0001-0000
12 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 800 x 600CP6021-0000-0010CP6021-0001-0010CP6021-0002-001015 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 1024 x 768CP6022-0000-0010CP6022-0001-0010CP6022-0002-0010字母数字键盘12 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 800 x 600CP6031-0000-0010CP6031-0001-0010CP6031-0002-001015 英寸显示屏,分辨率为 1024 x 768CP6032-0000-0010CP6032-0001-0010CP6032-0002-0010
A housing that can be dimensioned precisely in line with the needs of the particular application according to the customer’s wishes can be combined with an individually designed membrane keyboard. This puts customisation on a new footing at Beckhoff. Hardly one Control Panel is like another, and yet mass production is in operation.
The Bus Terminal interface integrated into the Control Panel permits the connection of standard Beckhoff Bus Terminals to realise handwheels, graycode switches, buttons, switches, indicator lamps or other components without any additional wiring. Such elements can be integrated into the Control Panel and connected to the PC via USB.
Alphanumeric keyboardTouch screenKeyboard socket and serial interface in IP 65
5.7-, 6.5-, 12-, 15-, 19- or 24-inch TFT displayPanel PCs with individual
front designPush-button extensions
Additional keyboard in IP 65Touch pad
Customised Beckhoff Control Panel
cost-effective implementation of company logos in form of a slide-in label for standard Control Panels
complete revision of the colour scheme of the front membrane based on the corporate design of the company
customised keyboard extensions according to customer specifications
realisation of customer-specific bracket adapter plates for integrating different bracket systems
realisation of complex operating terminals with fieldbus connections (PROFIBUS, Lightbus, CANopen, Ethernet, …)
modification of the mechanical/electrical connection of the devices according to the local situation
development and realisation of the design jointly with the customer
Individual housing design, colour scheme and key shape/layout according to customer requirementsFront membrane design with modified colour scheme and different size membrane keysModified membrane keypad colour scheme and keypad matrix
Control solution for blow molding machinesPanel PC for injection molding applicationsStainless steel Panel PC
Extension with joystick, graycode switch and incremental encoderMultifunctional terminalIndividual housing construction for fl ush-mounted installation
Integration of a barcode scanner and signal transducerKeyboard with larger number and higher density of membrane keysCustomer-specific front laminate
Customised colour scheme with customer-specific, separate key extensionExtension with additional display, incremental encoders and switch elementsIndividual housing adaptation