2400m/P低压变频器也是一个电动调节器,但是,该装置使用更大的隔膜调节器作为其压力控制装置,以便于高精度设定值控制。气动控制电路通过将电机和相关电子设备密封在防爆外壳内,与任何爆炸环境隔离。步进电机配置配有水平放置的时钟发生器,该时钟发生器插入垂直安装的翻译板。配置包括限位开关。步进电机安装在防爆外壳底部的电机总成上。通过外壳底部的1/2“-14 NPT导管配件连接至终端板。大型隔膜调节器安装在电机外壳上,在三(3)个可用压力范围内提供控制,从0-20英寸水柱到0-5磅/平方英寸。在这些配置中,MP2400低压电动调节器将处理高达150磅/平方英寸、10巴、1000千帕的供应压力。
Very low pressure output ranges
Excellent set point stability
Adjustable DC motor speed
Output pressure locks in last position in event of power failure.
Standard commercial enclosure or Explosion-proof NEMA 4X housing
End of travel limit switches
Excellent choice for low pressure automation systems
Accurately maintains low pressure set points
Users can determine desired rate of increase or decrease in pressure
Safe, predictable and reliable operation
Designs available for use in common, hazardous or harsh environments
User selectable setting of minimum and maximum pressure values